Atharva Gosavi
3 min readMay 18, 2021

Electromagnetic spectrum is the complete range of all wavelengths and frequencies. It starts from a very low level of energy with longer wavelengths and low frequencies and has the potential to turn into a very high level of energy when it consists of shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies. Each of the different types of radiations (X-rays, UV, Infrared, Radio, etc.) occupies a definite place in the spectrum, but their divisions are not very definite.

The wave frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum range from approximately 100 Hz to more than 1024 Hz. Wavelength starts from about 108 meters to less than 10−16 centimeters. Some infrared wavelengths can be seen using a telescope. The wavelengths of radio frequencies, visible light and some ultraviolet light can make it to sea level. But most of the electromagnetic radiation cannot reach the earth’s atmosphere from space. However, some electromagnetic radiation, such as that emitted by electrical devices, require shielding because they can affect the performance of electronics. This is also known as ‘noise’, and it interferes with the functions of other nearby electrical devices.

The main components of the electromagnetic spectrum are gamma-rays, x-rays, ultra-violet, visible light, infra-red, microwaves and radio-waves.

🔵Gamma-rays and X-rays:

Gamma-rays and X-rays are the highest-energy electromagnetic waves and able to penetrate matter easily. They have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies. Gamma rays may be emitted by radioactive substances, while X-rays may be produced by X-ray tubes. x-rays, can be used for medical purposes.


Ultra-violet(UV) radiation is the next highest-energy. It may be produced by very hot bodies, such as the sun. The atmosphere filters most of the UV radiation from the sun. UV radiation also causes sun-burned skins.

🟢Visible light:

Visible light is the only electromagnetic radiation that is visible to our eyes. It occupies a surprisingly small portion in the electromagnetic spectrum. Sun and other white-hot bodies emit white light, which is made up of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red colors. (in order of reducing frequencies)

🟡Infra-red radiation (IR):

Infra-red radiation (IR) may be produced by any hot bodies similar to white light, but with longer wavelengths. IR radiation is readily absorbed by matter and raises their temperature.

🟠Microwave radiation:

Microwave radiation is generated by special electronic devices known as klystron valves. Microwave receivers can be used to detect microwaves. They are reflected by metals and partly absorbed by non-metals. microwaves are used to heat food and others.

🔴Radio waves:

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths, varying from a few centimeters to thousands of meters. These may be generated by oscillations in special electronic circuits and by electrical sparks and are detected by metal aerials.

Refer hyper-links present in the blog for more details.
